sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y software-properties-common cmake libopencv-dev python3-dev python3-pip python3-opencv python3-numpy
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:liujianfeng1994/rockchip-multimedia
sudo apt install -y rockchip-multimedia-config
git clone
cd ~/rk3588-npu-demos/Python
sudo cp ../C++/runtime/librknn_api/aarch64/ /usr/lib
pip3 install ./wheel/rknn_toolkit_lite2-1.3.0-cp310-cp310-linux_aarch64.whl
Find a photo of you and your friends in which you are wearing a face mask.
Open the File Browser and go to Home
→ rk3588-npu-demos
→ Python
→ face_mask
→ data
→ img
Delete the face.jpg
file and replace it with the group photo.
Then open a terminal and run:
cd ~/rk3588-npu-demos/Python/face_mask
python3 ./
Next, open the face_mask
folder and look for out.jpg
. You should see everyone with a mask surrounded by a “bounding box” showing what part of the image was detected to contain a face mask.
This is what we put as input.
This is the result.
Compile the yolov5 project
cd ~/rk3588-npu-demos/C++/yolov5/
Get a random photo of a city or a busy street and run but replace the example image with your own:
cd ~/rk3588-npu-demos/C++/yolov5/install/yolov5
./yolov5 data/model/yolov5s-640-640.rknn ~/Download/medrudnikterminal.jpg
Heres a sample output of the console:
./yolov5 data/model/yolov5s-640-640.rknn ./medenrudnikterminal.jpg
post process config: box_conf_threshold = 0.50, nms_threshold = 0.60
Read ./medenrudnikterminal.jpg ...
img width = 1200, img height = 630
Loading mode...
sdk version: 1.3.0 (c193be371@2022-05-04T20:16:33) driver version: 0.8.2
model input num: 1, output num: 3
index=0, name=images, n_dims=4, dims=[1, 640, 640, 3], n_elems=1228800, size=1228800, fmt=NHWC, type=INT8, qnt_type=AFFINE, zp=-128, scale=0.003922
index=0, name=output, n_dims=5, dims=[1, 3, 85, 80], n_elems=1632000, size=1632000, fmt=UNDEFINED, type=INT8, qnt_type=AFFINE, zp=77, scale=0.080445
index=1, name=371, n_dims=5, dims=[1, 3, 85, 40], n_elems=408000, size=408000, fmt=UNDEFINED, type=INT8, qnt_type=AFFINE, zp=56, scale=0.080794
index=2, name=390, n_dims=5, dims=[1, 3, 85, 20], n_elems=102000, size=102000, fmt=UNDEFINED, type=INT8, qnt_type=AFFINE, zp=69, scale=0.081305
model is NHWC input fmt
model input height=640, width=640, channel=3
resize with RGA!
rga_api version 1.6.0_[4] (d041200 build: 2021-12-01 15:26:14 base: )
rk-debug out_fence_fd = 0
once run use 40.766000 ms
loadLabelName ./data/coco_80_labels_list.txt
person @ (764 257 884 600) 0.994352
person @ (710 267 774 384) 0.985245
person @ (866 246 907 344) 0.982702
chair @ (1012 360 1171 517) 0.979730
person @ (907 267 995 405) 0.962752
car @ (751 255 813 281) 0.962012
chair @ (944 324 1038 407) 0.918626
train @ (0 37 757 623) 0.812066
loop count = 10 , average run 39.756800 ms
You should see it output an out.jpg
image that has everything it detected.
This is what we put as input.
This is the result.
Please see the following thread on the Indiedroid-Nova Discord Channel